Girls tend to have short, dyed-black hair with the bangs cut straight across, usually done by the individual herself or by a mate, shunning the processed, rubber-stamped appearance of mainstream hairstyles. Jewelry, including facial & other body piercings, is common & is kept as natural as is feasible - wooden & hemp accessories are very popular, & are, again, often homemade. Clothes do likewise, ranging from thrift store finds to handsewn skirts & shirts, often comprised of multiple fabrics combined in to news story of clothing. Vintage articles are fashionable for members of the emo subculture, including 1970s-style shoes & jackets.
Emo fashion is characterized as distinctly non-fashionable, keeping with the movement�s theme of showing tiny to no interest in all aspects of society. Emo individuals perceive themselves to be outcasts & dress accordingly so as to keep away from any appearance of trying conformity & falling short.

Girls & boys similar wear thick or horn-rimmed glasses & often carryover backpacks or messenger bags littered with pins from assorted emo bands or bearing anti-establishment, pro-underground slogans. Emo dress tends to follow lines of nonconformity without exception, but individual styles may vary as long as they continue to emphasize secondhand goods or a general expression of indifference toward current fashion trends.

Emo boys often sport shaggy locks, although for males less emphasis is placed on dying the hair black. Men tend to wear too-small t-shirts & baggy pants, often with a studded black belt. The same preference for thrift goods applies, & jewelry still tends to be all-natural & as tight as is feasible.

Let your hair grow in the front & side parts so they cover your face. In the back you can let it short & spike it up with gel! Some do that, some don't! In the event you have short hair, the first months are going to be a pain, because you won't be able to make your hair look "emo". As it grows, comb it towards an eye in the direction that you require. After three or four months, when the fringe reaches 3/4 of the way down your brow, go to a hair dresser that looks professional, & get it thinned out & have it trimmed so that it will grow in the right shape.

Either if you are a boy or girl, you'll require to straighten your hair, with either an iron or gel. If your hair is wavy, use hairspray/gel to weigh it down. I recommend purchasing an hair straightening iron & use a a nice moisturizing shampoo to prevent your hair from getting damaged. Tip: In the event you wash your hair much, this can dry it out; that doesn't mean you don't must wash it at all, bleah.

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→Emo hair trends to follow lines of nonconformity without exception
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